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Install QingCloud CSI

If you plan to install KubeSphere on QingCloud, QingCloud CSI can be chosen as the underlying storage plugin.

This tutorial demonstrates how to use KubeKey to set up a KubeSphere cluster and configure QingCloud CSI to provide storage services.


Your cluster nodes are created on QingCloud Platform.

Step 1: Create Access Keys on QingCloud Platform

To make sure the platform can create cloud disks for your cluster, you need to provide the access key (qy_access_key_id and qy_secret_access_key) in a separate configuration file of QingCloud CSI.

  1. Log in to the web console of QingCloud and select Access Key from the drop-down list in the top-right corner.


  2. Click Create to generate keys. Download the key after it is created, which is stored in a csv file.

Step 2: Create a Configuration File for QingCloud CSI

The separate configuration file contains all parameters of QingCloud CSI which will be used by KubeKey during installation.

  1. Go to one of the nodes (taskbox) where you want to download KubeKey later and run the following command to create a configuration file.

    vi csi-qingcloud.yaml

    An example configuration file:

      qy_access_key_id: "MBKTPXWCIRIEDQYQKXYL"    # Replace it with your own key id.
      qy_secret_access_key: "cqEnHYZhdVCVif9qCUge3LNUXG1Cb9VzKY2RnBdX"  # Replace it with your own access key.
      zone: "pek3a"  # Lowercase letters only.
      isDefaultClass: true # Set it as the default storage class.
  2. The field zone specifies where your cloud disks are created. On QingCloud Platform, you must select a zone before you create them.


    Make sure the value you specify for zone matches the region ID below:

    Zone Region ID
    Shanghai1-A/Shanghai1-B sh1a/sh1b
    Beijing3-A/Beijing3-B/Beijing3-C/Beijing3-D pek3a/pek3b/pek3c/pek3d
    Guangdong2-A/Guangdong2-B gd2a/gd2b
    Asia-Pacific 2-A ap2a

    If you want to configure more values, see chart configuration for QingCloud CSI.

  3. Save the file.

Step 3: Download KubeKey

Follow the steps below to download KubeKey on the taskbox.

Download KubeKey from its GitHub Release Page or use the following command directly.

curl -sfL https://get-kk.kubesphere.io | VERSION=v3.0.7 sh -

Run the following command first to make sure you download KubeKey from the correct zone.

export KKZONE=cn

Run the following command to download KubeKey:

curl -sfL https://get-kk.kubesphere.io | VERSION=v3.0.7 sh -


After you download KubeKey, if you transfer it to a new machine also with poor network connections to Googleapis, you must run export KKZONE=cn again before you proceed with the steps below.


The commands above download the latest release of KubeKey. You can change the version number in the command to download a specific version.

Make kk executable:

chmod +x kk

Step 4: Create a Cluster

  1. Specify a Kubernetes version and a KubeSphere version that you want to install. For example:

    ./kk create config --with-kubernetes v1.22.12 --with-kubesphere v3.3.2


    • Recommended Kubernetes versions for KubeSphere 3.3: v1.20.x, v1.21.x, * v1.22.x, * v1.23.x, and * v1.24.x. For Kubernetes versions with an asterisk, some features of edge nodes may be unavailable due to incompatability. Therefore, if you want to use edge nodes, you are advised to install Kubernetes v1.21.x. If you do not specify a Kubernetes version, KubeKey will install Kubernetes v1.23.10 by default. For more information about supported Kubernetes versions, see Support Matrix.

    • If you do not add the flag --with-kubesphere in the command in this step, KubeSphere will not be deployed unless you install it using the addons field in the configuration file or add this flag again when you use ./kk create cluster later.

    • If you add the flag --with-kubesphere without specifying a KubeSphere version, the latest version of KubeSphere will be installed.

  2. A default file config-sample.yaml will be created if you do not customize the name. Edit the file.

    vi config-sample.yaml
      name: sample
      - {name: master, address:, internalAddress:, user: root, password: Testing123}
      - {name: node1, address:, internalAddress:, user: root, password: Testing123}
      - {name: node2, address:, internalAddress:, user: root, password: Testing123}
        - master
        - master
        - node1
        - node2
        domain: lb.kubesphere.local
        address: ""
        port: 6443
        version: v1.22.12
        imageRepo: kubesphere
        clusterName: cluster.local
        plugin: calico
        registryMirrors: []
        insecureRegistries: []
      - name: csi-qingcloud
        namespace: kube-system
            name: csi-qingcloud
            repo: https://charts.kubesphere.io/test
            valuesFile: /root/csi-qingcloud.yaml
  3. Pay special attention to the field of addons, under which you must provide the information of QingCloud CSI. For more information about each parameter in this file, see Multi-node Installation.


    KubeKey will install QingCloud CSI by Helm charts together with its StorageClass.
  4. Save the file and execute the following command to install Kubernetes and KubeSphere:

    ./kk create cluster -f config-sample.yaml
  5. When the installation finishes, you can inspect installation logs with the following command:

    kubectl logs -n kubesphere-system $(kubectl get pod -n kubesphere-system -l 'app in (ks-install, ks-installer)' -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -f

    Expected output:

    ###              Welcome to KubeSphere!           ###
    Account: admin
    Password: P@88w0rd
      1. After you log into the console, please check the
         monitoring status of service components in
         "Cluster Management". If any service is not
         ready, please wait patiently until all components 
         are up and running.
      2. Please change the default password after login.
    https://kubesphere.io             20xx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx

Step 5: Verify Installation

You can verify that QingCloud CSI has been successfully installed either from the command line or from the KubeSphere web console.

Command line

  1. Run the following command to check your storage class.

    kubectl get sc

    Expected output:

    csi-qingcloud (default)   disk.csi.qingcloud.com   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   true                   28m
  2. Run the following command to check the statuses of Pods.

    kubectl get pod -n kube-system

    Note that csi-qingcloud is installed in the namespace kube-system. Expected output (exclude other irrelevant Pods):

    NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    csi-qingcloud-controller-f95dcddfb-2gfck   5/5     Running   0          28m
    csi-qingcloud-node-7dzz8                   2/2     Running   0          28m
    csi-qingcloud-node-k4hsj                   2/2     Running   0          28m
    csi-qingcloud-node-sptdb                   2/2     Running   0          28m

KubeSphere console

  1. Log in to the web console with the default account and password (admin/P@88w0rd) at <NodeIP>:30880. Click Platform in the upper-left corner and select Cluster Management.

  2. Go to Pods in Application Workloads and select kube-system from the project drop-down list. You can see that the Pods of csi-qingcloud are up and running.

  3. Go to Storage Classes under Storage, and you can see available storage classes in your cluster.


    For more information about how to create volumes on the KubeSphere console, see Volumes.

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